Rhode Island Divorce Law

iDivorceForms.com provides professionally completed, 100% court-approval, money-back guaranteed Rhode Island divorce forms. Just create an account, complete the interview, and file for divorce. Our case managers do all the work for you, and send the completed Rhode Island divorce forms when they are ready to be filed.

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Rhode Island Divorce Guidelines

Rhode Island's Residency Requirements

Either spouse must have been a resident of Rhode Island for 1 year or more before filing for divorce.

Rhode Island's Grounds for Divorce

Rhode Island residents may file for divorce under fault or no-fault grounds.

Rhode Island's no-fault grounds is:

  • irreconcilable differences, causing the irremediable breakdown of the marriage

Rhode Island's fault grounds include:

  • adultery
  • extreme cruelty
  • substance abuse and/or alcoholism
  • willful desertion for 5 years or more

Rhode Island's Child Custody Guidelines

Divorcing parents are allowed to collaborate on a child custody arrangement. If the parents cannot reach a decision, a Rhode Island court will make a ruling.

Rhode Island courts consider factors such as:

  • the best interests of the child

Rhode Island's Child Support Guidelines

If the parents cannot agree on the amount of child support and the paying parent, child support will be decided by state-specific calculations and guidelines.

Rhode Island courts consider factors such as:

  • the standard of living the child experienced during the marriage
  • each parent's financial resources
  • each parent's other financial obligations and needs

Rhode Island's Spousal Support Guidelines

Spousal support can be paid in one lump sum, in installments, or periodically. The spouses may determine the spousal support amount and payment schedule, or the courts may award spousal support.

Rhode Island courts consider factors such as:

  • the standard of living experienced during the marriage
  • each spouse's education, earning capacity, and contribution to the home, including homemaking and childcare
  • whether one spouse contributed to the other's education, career, and earning capacity

Rhode Island's Property Division Guidelines

Rhode Island has adopted equitable distribution guidelines, which means all property (including gifts and inheritances) will be divided as fairly and equally as possible. Spouses may collaborate on the property distribution, but if they are unable to agree the courts will make a ruling.

Rhode Island courts consider factors such as:

  • duration of the marriage
  • each spouse's occupation, employability, and earning capacity
  • each spouse's contribution to the property, including acquisition and upkeep

Rhode Island's Venue Guidelines

The divorce forms may be filed in the petitioner's county of residence, or in the respondent's county of residence.

Start your divorce today at iDivorceForms.com!

  • My Divorce Steps

  • 1. Create an account:

    Simply register online, pay the small fee, gather your papers and ready to get a divorce.

  • 2. Answer the Questions:

    Answer each of the questions we will ask you and the forms will be completed for you.

  • 3. File the Documents:

    Print our state approved completed forms, and file the divorce forms in the court.

"I have been trying to get divorced from my crazy wife for the past 5 years, and there was no simpler way than this site. Man it was great. Thank you !"

Jeff R from Bristol, RI
Jun 8, 2012
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"Although a lot of information is needed it was easy to flow through the questionnaire and answer the questions. Much easier doing a divorce through this site than going to an office and having to work around schedules. Easy to do from the comfort of your own home."

David from Lake Mary, FL
Jun 8, 2016
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We offer more than a divorce preparation service:

Instant Document Completion: All forms completed in real time and available for instant filing and delivery to the court house in your area.

Dedicated Case Manager:  Upon registration, you will have direct access via email and phone to your dedicated account manager who will help you through each and every step of the online process.

Free Name Change for Wives:  Our service offers the ability to change your name at no extra cost.

Free Last Will & Testament: As part of an effort to help you start over, you will receive everything you need to create a new Last Will & Testament.

Free Living Trust: Now that you are starting your life over, we think it is important to create a family trust to protect your assets.  We offer all you need to create a trust for your family.

FREE Help on "Life After Divorce:"  We have a library of guides and ebooks on starting your life over.  Everything from help to avoid unhealthy relationship to how to talk to you kids about divorce.

Unlimited Customer Support: Rest assured that there is always someone to talk to Monday-Friday between 7am and 4pm PST by calling 1-800-858-9891.

  • Why Choose iDivorceForms.com for your online divorce?

  • All State Approved Forms
  • Help Starting Over
  • Court Approved Forms
  • Simple Divorce Interview
  • Forms Completed online
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

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